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July 1, 2021 Robert Babirad In-Transit Passenger
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Being an inner-city schoolteacher isn’t for everyone.

Neither is working in a stodgy law office, for that matter.

For many, disillusionment with a chosen career is the spark that sends them on the travel path.

Rob Babirad is no exception. The Long Island native quickly burned out on teaching high school in rough NYC neighborhoods, and his first forays into practicing law didn’t fill the void either.

Rob then took off for Europe to continue his law education, first at Oxford in England and in his father’s home country of Hungary.

Along with his European exploits, Rob spent time in North Africa, the West Indies and throughout North America.

He chronicled his path and the wisdom gathered from it in his new book, “In-Transit Passenger,” where he uses the wisdom he learned through traveling to help others find their true, authentic selves.

For those of us who always seem “In-Transit,” we can relate! Thanks, Rob!


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