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June 15, 2023 Meredith Hackwith Edwards The Curious Introvert
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We’re off to the Riviera! (The Redneck Riviera, that is!)

She may not use that particular nickname often, but Pensacola resident Meredith Hackwith Edwards does like to refer to her region of Florida’s panhandle as  “L.A.” –  Lower Alabama.

Though it’s called many things, some affectionate and some less so,  Meredith and her extended family have called their slice of the Sunshine State’s Gulf Coast one thing consistently for generations – home.

Raised in Nebraska, Meredith took many trips growing up to the Panhandle to visit relatives, and after college and some years working in sales, she was ready to make the move to permanent sunshine and beach life.

She scored work as a model and started honing her surfing skills on the side, leading to surf trips with her husband to Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

Along the way Meredith realized she had an innate curiosity about many varied subjects and loved talking to experts in many fields. Thus, the Curious Introvert Podcast and YouTube channel was born.

Meredith shares Tales of her trips to Central America, gives great Florida travel advice, and helps define what makes a “curious introvert.”

Thanks, Meredith. Hope to catch a wave with you sometime!



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