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December 19, 2019 Cheryl Gaudet Mazatlan Sunset
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“Hola Mazatlan!”

That was my greeting when I walked on stage in November to perform comedy for a crowd of expats at the Playa Mazatlan Hotel in Mexico.

The show went great, and not only did I get a chance to soak up some sun and beach time before and after the gig, I got to meet the producer of the venue, Cheryl Gaudet.

Cheryl is a musician and native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, who has been living in Mazatlan for ten years.

I sat down to ask Cheryl about her life as an expat, the adjustments she’s made, and what day-to-day life as a full-time Mexican resident is like.

So grab a margarita, slow down the pace, and enjoy a chat from south of the border.

Gracias, Cheryl!

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