A young man takes a big leap over the pond and hits the road alone for the first time.
A special time in any Traveler’s life is his first solo trip abroad.
Traveling alone in a different country is a rite of passage for most people who are addicted to travel, and most can trace the root of their addiction to the thrill of adventure they had on that very first trip.
Amsi Hernandez just took a big leap out of his comfort zone.The LA native was born in Guatemala and had seen a bit of Central and South America as child, and had even seen a bit of Europe with a church group.
But solo travel is a whole new animal, and Amsi soon ran the gauntlet familiar to those who came before him: filthy hostels, missed train connections, language barriers, and more.
Some things never change. Despite the setbacks, Amsi’s eyes were opened, his views changed, and he now looks at the world in a whole new way – all the best things that travel can give.
Give a listen to Amsi tell his story, and enjoy the ride.