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January 26, 2023 Richard Nason Becoming a Pilot
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How would you never like to deal with airport security agents again?

That’s the spot where return guest Richard Nason now finds himself.

While most of us were hunkered down during Covid Lockdown bingeing on Netflix and carbs, Richard fulfilled his dream of getting his pilot license.

After becoming a licensed pilot, he went after his other dream – buying his own airplane.

When we last met up with Richard, he shared Tales of  traveling to Cuba and gorilla trekking in Africa with his then-new wife. Now over ten years later, the two take to the skies on a whim around the Southwest with their young daughter along for the ride.

Richard has already flown his brand-new experimental airplane to Sedona, AZ, Catalina Island, the Grand Canyon, zipped off to Vegas for lunch, and it’s only the beginning.

Richard recorded his journey of building his aircraft and taking to the skies on his new YouTube channel and Instagram site, both named “Richard In The Sky” (see links).

We look forward to being his co-pilot one day. Keep those skies friendly, Richard!

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