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October 27, 2022 Jonathan Legg Road Less Traveled
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As host of the travel TV show, “Road Less Traveled”, Jonathan Legg has gone where many travelers have never dared.

From paragliding in India, to negotiating with Moldova border agents, to eating a beating cobra heart in Vietnam, Jonathan’s travels are not exactly on the well-worn tourist path.

The Peoria, IL native spent seven years of his early childhood living in Hong Kong and the Philippines- an experience he credits with altering his world perspective forever and instilling the travel bug in him.

Since leaving college, Jonathan lived in Colombia and Italy, worked as a flight attendant, and spent years in Tokyo as a successful actor and model (and yes, he was in a Godzilla movie!)

He returned to Los Angeles and TV producers soon realized that his personal history and experiences made him an ideal candidate to lead viewers on adventures throughout the world.

His new book, “The 7 AHAs every Traveler Should Have” is available on Amazon. We got a taste of Jonathan’s travel insights and more! Enjoy!


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