As the birthplace of Godzilla, Mothra, Gamara, Ultra Man, Power Rangers, and countless other science fiction legends, Japan is certainly a sci-fi Mecca.
Japan is a must-visit destination for anyone who lives and breathes science fiction, and one of those people is Matt Weinhold.
Comedian, writer and co-creator of the sci-fi-themed podcast Monster Party, Matt has made numerous trips to Japan. His love for the country grows deeper each time.
From robot-themed supper clubs to Godzilla-themed bars, Matt loves to soak up Japan’s science fiction culture.
We talk about it all things Japan: the people, the history, the vending machines, the toys, the high-tech toilets, the drinking, and of course, the food.
Come join us for a trip to the wonderful uniqueness that is Japan.
Arigato, Matt!